Monthly Archives: May 2011

Computer Blues

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It’s every driver’s worst nightmare — you’re driving along, maybe listening to the radio, when all of a sudden you hear a tell-tale ping! from the dashboard. You take your eyes off the road, only to see that an ominous warning light has suddenly blinked on. Your mind races. What’s wrong with the car? What did I do?! Oh my God, what’s happening?!? Then, while that last thought is leaving your brain, the car simply decides to stop running, leaving you …

Writing With … Michele Young-Stone

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I’m pleased to welcome Michele Young-Stone, whose debut novel, THE HANDBOOK FOR LIGHTNING STRIKE SURVIVORS, was chosen as an “Emerging Author” pick by Target and is being featured in Target stores nationwide. The novel is in the running for The First Novelist Award and Michele is being considered for a fellowship to Bread Loaf.  Q. Tell us about your book and what inspired you to write it.  From the title, you might think it was an actual handbook or focused solely …

Beating the Block

Posted on by Todd Posted in Musings, On Writing | 5 Comments

I usually post my big weekly musing on Monday morning. But as you can see from the time stamp at the top of this entry, it is now Tuesday morning. So what gives? Writer’s block, my friends. A heavy wall of it as thick as a barge and more impenetrable than steel. That I didn’t manage to break through it yesterday is obvious. But that failure, to me at least, is also surprising. Because over time I’ve become pretty good at …